I needed a night away from my tent. Meanwhile Otto's working hard at his craft. I guess he doesn't have a guest room set up yet. I understand. Or maybe he just fails to notice what time it is because the windows are letting in daylight at 2:00 a.m.
I suppose technically it's Saturday now. Anyway, I slept poorly. You would too on a hardwood floor. What I didn't expect was this:
I suppose Otto was trying to help. Maybe he got as far as the tent and couldn't figure out how to carry me through the entrance given the low clearance. (1 Kings 17:19)
As a side note, it seems that as long as I get back to my cot no later than 1:50 a.m., there's no penalty to my stamina the following day. How much I could get done if I could get by on only 250 minutes of sleep each day!
When you first make it to Otto's Cabin and accept his offer for tea, he later says, "I see you've got yourself a shovel and a pickaxe." He will say this even if you haven't retrieved the shovel from the jeep.
This relates to the issue referenced above. What followed the tent scene had to be caught on video, which I wasn't prepared for at the time. Don't blink once you press play:
This is the sort of issue that arises because a player isn't playing the game the way it is intended to be played; most gamers would never observe this scenario. In terms of the most programming-light solution, it seems that if there is no tent, the most logical place to have the meeting is inside the jeep viewed at the very beginning of the game.
And now I get back to goofing off for a little bit.
What if I deliberately delay pitching a tent for several days? What if I manage to trigger notices just before 9:00 a.m. on Sunday? I got this:
It would be nice to be able to decide to do a quick nap during the
Haha thank you for this! It has been a very unique challenge trying to account for every possible exhaustion/collapse scenario!