L&D is the continuous process of improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of your employees in order to increase their productivity and job satisfaction while reducing turnover. This includes development opportunities such as: global rotation relocation apprenticeship and certification programs for skill development promotion policies that encourage hiring from within the company as much as possible veteran programs free access to the company's learning database Sustainable businesses not only bring a new sense of caring and humanity to employee well-being, but also benefit from: improved employee retention increase in morale employee engagement lower hiring costs According to the LinkedIn report , nearly half of L&D executives expect their budgets to increase this year. What better indicator of priority than investment funds? L&D Pros Who Expect to Have.
More Spending Power. Image by Nimbus Platform Investors and stakeholders may think that spending money on educating young people is wasteful. There is a risk that they will go elsewhere Latest Mailing Database with all their newly acquired skills. However, a more far-sighted concern might be, What if you don't train them and they stay? Companies that roll out employee programs build a growing pipeline of talent to traverse the organization. In this way, both the company and the employees win in the long term. The Nimbus platform could be your way to attract up-and-coming talent It's not just employee programs that show how much a company values its employees.
Any improvement that creates opportunities for personal growth can become part of your organization's L&D strategy. of L&D professionals agree that internal mobility has become a priority in their organization since COVID-. Nimbus platform is perfect for remote, in-house and hybrid work. It can also serve as a knowledge management system for your team to store notes, ideas, important documents or inspirational articles from the web and add various content types: plain text, to-do lists, spreadsheets, databases, images, videos, embeds from other websites and attached files in any format.